Social Dimension | North East Rubber


NER ถือว่าพนักงานทุกคนในบริษัทเป็นครอบครัว เดียวกันการดูแลทุกคนในครอบครัวถือว่าเป็นหัวใจแห่งความสำคัญด้วยเหตุนี้บริษัทจึงให้ความสำคัญกับการเสริมสร้างองค์กรแห่งการเรียนรู้ในการพัฒนา ศักยภาพเน้นการพัฒนาองค์ความรู้และทักษะความสามารถของพนักงาน เพื่อให้เติบโตอย่างยั่งยืนไปพร้อมกัน

Human Rights Policy

The Company has the policy to support and respect the protection of human rights by treating those involved, whether employees, communities, and surrounding societies, Take into account equally and equal freedom. Do not violate fundamental rights and do not discriminate in terms of race, nationality, religion, language, skin color, sex, age, education, physical condition, or social status, Including taking care to prevent the company's business. They are involved in human rights violations such as child labor and sexual harassment, etc. In addition, the company has promoted monitoring of compliance with human rights requirements by providing participation in expressing opinions and complaint channels for those who suffer damage from rights violations arising from the Company's business operations.

Human Rights Policy
Safety, Occupational Health, and Environment Policy

The company is committed to being a leader in sustainable rubber production. Be aware of safety and occupational health at work. Therefore, the company Has a safety policy and working environment. By using ISO 45001 safety standards in management. For employees to work concerning safety responsibilities for themselves and their colleagues in the organization.

Safety, Occupational Health and Environment Policy